So here's a story about a guy...

...who has an unyielding passion for technology and using it to help people. And video games. He really likes video games.
Cody Wilson is a seasoned information technology professional, born and raised in the Quad Cities, IA/IL (there's five cities in the Quad Cities, but don't tell them that). He currently resides in Durham, NC.
Cody likes to build awesome things, and to help people that are building awesome things. He's worked to raise the bar of trust and safety programs in the real-time streaming platform market. He's lead DevOps teams of an education technology platform with over 1 million yearly active users. He was part of the charter membership team that founded a non-profit makerspace - a place for folks to make and invent with access to exotic tooling not found in your average garage or workshop. Most recently, he's supported MAGFest in just about every role as event staff volunteer to member of its board of directors.
Cody has a mission to help folks in need. He has raised money for Child's Play since 2011 by producing "marathon-length" Internet broadcasts that include non-stop gameplay and live music performances. As if that wasn't enough of a challenge, the process also includes building and tearing down a temporary production studio in environments where it is notoriously difficult or expensive to acquire Internet bandwidth. Since he began, he and his teams have produced over 410 hours of live content and raised over $41,000 for charity with incredibly little operational overhead.
In the past, Cody has found other opportunities for him to plug in. Attracted by the promise of a Kickstarter campaign, Cody quickly signed on to assist in beta testing and security hardening for Jumpshot (now Avast Grimefighter), a bootable Linux environment that performs automated maintenance, antivirus, and cleanup of workstations in a safe, offline environment. Cody has offered a helping hand to podcasters, game stream broadcasters, and independent/small video game production companies in a technical and business consultancy capacity as well.
Cody has had a love for music since he was very little. Participating in choir and band in grade school all the way through high school, and now as a music producer, he relishes in his creations' ability to create emotional, visceral responses. He injects his passion for the compositions of video games in his music to arrange inspired musical creations.
When Cody isn't doing all of those things, he's enjoying time with friends and family, especially his wife Sharon. Cody and Sharon were married on October 21, 2015, the date that Doc Brown and Marty McFly travel to the future in Back to the Future: Part 2. Cody is still waiting for his self drying jacket, self lacing Nike's, and hoverboard.